Hi! I’m Christy Newton, romance author of sixteen published books and counting. I am a hopeless romantic, yes hopeless, because I’m in love with love. My stories are a reflection of my real-life romance with my hubby of twenty-two years this July. There is not a day in our marriage that we have not said I love you, not kissed, not hugged, or held hands (except for a week that I was out of state for a wedding, but we still said I love you over the phone) We are affectionate and have been from day one. That’s not saying we haven’t had our bad times … there have been many. But, we’ve matured together, kept each other young, handled losses together, and have raised two amazing daughters. He is my family, my friend, my lover, and my heart. I wish I could just say that I’m lucky in love, but the honest truth is marriage is a living entity that needs to be continually nourished or it will die.



I’d like to share my relationship advice I have learned over the years. Communication is key. Your partner/spouse is not a mind reader. You must let them know what you like and don’t like, what you expect, and what you need. And it goes both ways, they must do the same for you. Be affectionate. I completely believe simply touching my husband every day makes us closer, connected. Share your hopes and dreams often. This is especially important in hard times. We aren’t rich and there have been so many days we couldn’t even go out to dinner, but that never stopped us from dreaming about what we would do when we could. Which brings me to fantasy. A sprinkle of make-believe is not only fun, but healthy. Hubby made my dreams come true by taking me to a castle and even dressing up with me. He was a good sport and maybe even enjoyed it 😉


Lastly, my advice is to have hobbies that you like to do together, but also, ones that you like to do alone. Everyone needs a bit of space. I enjoy reading, being crafty, and binge-watching shows. When I’m not spending time with my hubby, my daughters, or enjoying my hobbies, I am tapping away on my next book. I love new readers, please enter my giveaway! & If you want to check out what I’ve written, here are some links. Xoxo Christy





*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Christy-Newton/359791990763912


*Twitter: @CNewtonAuthor


*Author Website: www.christynewton.com


*Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=christy+newton


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