Sometimes the only way I can “get away from it all” is through picture-taking.

I love photography, but I’m no professional. I still have lots to learn and don’t expect I’ll ever be that great with it. Doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it.

I’ve always been interested in photography, but I never spent a lot of time with it because I was afraid I’d never be good enough. Then I realized something vitally important: what difference does it make how good I am if I’m enjoying it?

Creativity doesn’t require perfectionism. Maybe I will never make a lot of money selling pictures, but that was never my intention. I take pictures because I love it. It relaxes me in ways nothing else can.

Sometimes after work when I come home, my favorite transition from work to home is to grab my camera and take a walk outside. I might get silly pictures that professionals would scoff at, but I enjoy the process immensely. It has also helped me open my eyes to see things I wouldn’t normally notice before.


See the bugs on the cactus? Didn’t even notice them at first.

And this sunset. Taken with my camera as the sun is setting, with nothing more than my twilight camera setting. When I look it through my eyes, I see a beautiful setting sun, but when I look at it through the lens of the camera, I see depth as the parched trees frame a fiery sun. And so much more. Your imagination could go wild with this photo. What do you see?


Another of my favorites taken on my walk that day:


And this tree. The sun had practically gone down, so there was some blur on this picture, but I love how it looks like the trees are one. One tree is holding the other up even as it is about to collapse.
