I received a very special phone call from a former supervisor, whom I hold great deal of respect for. She said she read my book and it was wonderful. (And she gave me reasons for why she felt it was wonderful, commented on my descriptions, etc). She gave it to someone else to read who said it was the best book they’ve ever read. I truly believe she meant what she said and wasn’t just saying that to make me feel good. Sometimes those types of reviews are better than any I’d see written.

You know, I wrote doing the time I worked for her over 15 years ago, but never shared that fact with anyone else. I wasted a lot of years not following the dream I had imprinted on my heart for many reasons, and I regret that. I regret not trusting others to believe in and support me. But as much as I regret that, I truly feel it has made me a stronger person, and a better writer.

Judy Reeves, a writer and teacher, says: “Those of us who are marked a writer (or as musicians or painters or dancers) but have pushed aside the calling of the Muse might as well surrender and do the thing we’re meant to do. Otherwise, that longing inside our hearts will never be stilled.”

I love that quote, and I know it to be true. It applies to anything in your life, whether you want to bake pastries, build an airplane, or raise your children. My husband used to talk about writing this story idea he has, but he has never followed through because he never had that push, that feeling that he must write (or else he’ll go crazy). If you’ve ever had the feeling you must do something and it doesn’t go away, I believe it is God’s calling (or the universe, your muse, or whatever you choose to believe.) Although you can ignore it, something will always be missing in your life.

So stop ignoring it! Now is the time, and time is short.